Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Why I happily pay for Gmail (Google One)

 Google was founded in 1994

I signed for my first email address in 2001. It was Yahoo mail.

I signed up for my gmail address in 2005.

I started paying for gmail in 2021.

This means Google gave me a 16 year gap before my data (email, photos, videos) was large enough before they asked if I would like to pay for more.

When I said, "Yes", Google. Thank you for giving me room to breathe.

It was only around $100.00 a year.

With that, I get unlimited 100GB of Google Drive Storage.  

I get Google Photos, the home for my memories. I allow access for Google to upload all photos from my iOS & Android divive. Google uses Artificial Intelligence to properly tag my photos.

So when I type in "chocolate" inside of my account

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