Friday, June 12, 2020

The problem with my Nigerian Parents

The problem with my Nigerian Parents (audio)
Duration: Less than 7 minutes

Here's the video that I referenced:

My friend, Osa's reply (audio). Posted with her permission.

2 days later:

No more nicknames, no more subjugating name-calling

Osa's brilliant reply:

"Wow, it’s good that you were able to stand up for yourself like that and set the boundaries of what you would not like going forward. As harsh as they may think it is, it’s important because it lets them  know that what they’re doing is not okay. We’re not a punching bag and we have worth and value.  By discrediting the way we feel and making us feel like our feelings and points are invalid, gives them a feeling over power. And in any relationship, whether a parent-child, friend or romantic relationship, when someone feels like they are the one in power over someone it is very unhealthy and toxic. I’m tired of “I’m the parent, you’re the child” mentality. How about you treat me with respect and make me feel valued, respected, appreciated, and heard."