Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Dear family and friends,

I hope you, your family and friends are keeping safe from the weather and covid-19. 

This is a voice note from a former colleague (from my last role in an organization in Nigeria) who has become a dear friend and business partner. I could not believe that he actually noticed the hard work, sacrifice and mental anguish that I went through in order to enable his future success. I'm just naturally generous with my time ⏱ money๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’น and efforts ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ.  This message is not to extoll me. Also Word of Affirmation is one of my Love Languages, along with all the rest in equal amounts. 

I got his consent to share this voice note with anyone. 

We *always* great each other with the prefix "Mr".

The person reading this is just like that as well. I am not unique, you are also generous with your time, efforts and money. I am sure that your friends and family noticed. The question is are you as expressive with your gratitude the way my best friend has shown and always shows gratitude?

Here is His written note: 

"The essence if this voice note is to understand that friendship is highly valuable and friendliness is a deliberate effort and sometimes a skill.

Mr Osibodu has gone out of his ways more often than not to be a blessing and has done this with utmost empathy, purity of heart and purpose, and without expecting anything back.

On this occasion I had to pick it out and mention it to him.

I'm glad to have him as a best friend."

*Pls ignore any grammatical/ sentence structure error*

Here is his voice note:

Another positive Word of Affirmation to a group of High School Friends (now giants of industries) via our High School WhatsApp. From a friend that I have known for over 30 years. He is now a General Manager of one of the largest companies in the world.


"First - Folarin was and is the nicest guy I have known in a long time and this back and forth is proof of that...๐Ÿ˜‚"

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Why I happily pay for Gmail (Google One)

 Google was founded in 1994

I signed for my first email address in 2001. It was Yahoo mail.

I signed up for my gmail address in 2005.

I started paying for gmail in 2021.

This means Google gave me a 16 year gap before my data (email, photos, videos) was large enough before they asked if I would like to pay for more.

When I said, "Yes", Google. Thank you for giving me room to breathe.

It was only around $100.00 a year.

With that, I get unlimited 100GB of Google Drive Storage.  

I get Google Photos, the home for my memories. I allow access for Google to upload all photos from my iOS & Android divive. Google uses Artificial Intelligence to properly tag my photos.

So when I type in "chocolate" inside of my account