Monday, July 02, 2018

Elon Musk says when automation takes over most jobs we will need a Universal Basic Income...I agree and I go further

Elon Musk says when our society becomes very automated...When we make and allow robots and good artificial intelligence to do our menial labor for us (drive cars, do laundry, do dishes, make reservations in restaurants), and even do most of our 9-5 jobs, this would be good.

Elon Musk predicts that we would need a Universal Basic Income (UBI) because we would not have to do 9-5 anymore, but since our society will still likely be governed by money, we would need that UBI. Here's where I take it a bit further. That Universal Basic Income, sounds like some kind of welfare that the government is helping us with, I don't like the sound of that.

I see it as, humanity has worked very very hard in getting us to this point that it should just be called Universal Income - A good and substantial amount each month that will be more than enough to have a very good living.

Elon says there would be a downside. That it would be difficult for people to find meaning. A lot of us derive meaning or fulfillment from our jobs. The fact that we serve others and our community through our work give us a sense of duty and fulfillment at the end of the day.

He says that when most work become automated, how will we find meaning?

This is a very good point and I commend Elon for his insight, foresight, and wisdom here.

Now, let me comment on that:
Because of two factors:
1. People are incredibly resilient.
2. New technology does not just appear immediately...

New tech arrives gradually, we generally see it coming, it announces itself before it shows up. We as people would begin to adjust our lifestyle to this new world trend of almost complete automation. Then we would look for and find meaning in lots of different things. I do not think Elon needs to worry about that.

For example, Automation will not solve the human problem - that two people living in a house would eventually find conflict, that would need to be solved. There's enough meaning to be found in solving disagreements, conflict and imperfections in people relations. And that's just one example that AI cannot for the foreseeable future solve.

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