Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Commercial Appeal paper written on me on my day of Bachelors degree graduation

Long journey has a degree of satisfaction -- U of M ceremonies at Forum represent opportunity to new class of graduates

Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) - Sunday, May 7, 2006
Author: Lindsay Melvin Special to The Commercial Appeal

Double-majoring in electrical engineering and computer engineering is no easy task, says Folarin Osibodu. But neither was leaving his parents and friends in Nigeria.

"Here you have a lot of opportunities," said Osibodu.[...]

[...]Before coming to the University of Memphis, he spent a semester at a Nigerian college where professors were underpaid and students jockeyed for computers.

"In Nigeria, we don't have one computer for each person, and that just doesn't bring out your best creative work," he said.

His sister attended U of M as well, and this past week, for the first time in two years, his family came together to see them both graduate with honors.

"My father says he's the proudest father ever," said Osibodu.


For Osibodu, school's not over yet. He's still planning to go on for his MBA, and although he'd prefer to stay in the "land of opportunity," returning to Nigeria with an education is the best solution he can think of to help better his homeland, he said.

"No matter how much money you spend, knowledge needs to be there. Knowledge is power," he said.
Caption: Photo
Mike Maple/The Commercial Appeal Yoon Hong (left), 27, shares a laugh with her friend and fellow graduate Kyunghwa Kim, 24, during University of Memphis graduation ceremonies at FedExForum. They were among 1,600 receiving degrees Saturday.
Edition: Final
Section: Metro
Page: B1
Index Terms: graduation college speech
Record Number: 1117F4F269C4FA35
Copyright (c) 2006 The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN

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