Apartment Break In
What do you do when you get home on a saturday night, you find out that your door has been kicked in you new LCD HDTV has been stolen, your SONY 5.1 750 Watt Home Theater surround sound system..gone, your JVC Camcorder gone and other electronic accessories worth up to $200 stolen? In total about $1400.00 worth of electronics were stolen.
For me, I wasn't able to process what just happened fully cos I found myself pacing in and out of rooms saying, 'I was just robbed' over and over again. I was also looking around to see what was stolen. So of course I called the police after notifying my apartment complex. An officer came by and I listed the items stolen with detailed model numbers. He added that my case was the 3rd robbery that he had filed that night.
I remember that night being filled with so much hate and anger...the like that I had not felt before, I guess because my personal space was invaded. Sure, I've felt the usual heart break associated with relationships but this one was different. My heart was filled with so much anger I prayed that God's vengeance fall upon these home invaders.
I was also mad cos now I'll have to wait for however many weeks it would take to get a tv to play the new Assassin's Creed which I'd been waiting for for over 6 months now (lol).
However as a Christian, I remembered that God said pray for those who do you wrong, etc.